The Foundation Centerwww fdncenter orgE-mail: library@fdncenter org Phone: (800) 424-9836 or (212) 620-4230The Foundatio
Please do not write to us about non-Foundation matters Inquiries about George Lucas and Star Wars will not
The Milton and Rose D Friedman Foundation for School Choice was founded upon the ideals and theories of Nobel
Gordon St AngeloPresident & CEOgordst@attglobal netTerri FergusonExecutive Vice Presidentterfer@attglobal netRobert C E
- independent U S government agency responsible for promoting science and engineering through programs that inv
) The International Tax and Investment Center (ITlC) research and education foundation providing policy makers in
Doreen Gardner BrownProjects ChairCanadian Home Economics Association Foundtion3108-55 Nassau Street, North e-mail: dg
In 1996, the Foundation launched a major new initiative in economics education: the Economics Education and Re
The Ford Foundation is a resource for innovative people and institutions worldwide Our goals are to: Strengthen
Before a request is made for a grant or program-related investment, a brief letter of inquiry is advisable t