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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

Stagnation of energy efficiency improvement in China

Stagnation of energy efficiency improvement in China


Zi Wang, Jianguo Xu

(National School of Development, Beijing University)


Abstract: Energy consumption intensity in China decreases 5% each year from 1978 until 2002, when the improvement stagnated. This stagnation is accompanied by an increase in the share of the second industry in GDP, especially that of heavy industry. Such a relation between energy consumption intensity and economic structure also exists in the history of Korea and Japan. Regression analysis based on 50 countries shows that energy consumption intensity decreases with per capita income and increases with the share of second industry and net export in GDP.


Key words: Energy efficiency, Industrial structure

JEL code:O10,Q43

No. C2011001.pdf

