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Health Risk, Precautionary Saving,and the Pollution-Growth Nexus

CCED工作论文系列                                                                          No.20120704



CCED Working Paper Series




Health Risk, Precautionary Saving,


and the Pollution-Growth Nexus


Min Wang

In this paper, we show how policies aimed at improving health and those intended to improve the environment are (and should be) deeply intertwined. In the model economy inspired by recent Chinese experience, agents self insure anticipating future medical expenses necessitated by heightened risk of pollution-induced poor health. The increased saving leads to more capital accumulation, and more capital use by firms to more pollution. Such a pollution-growth nexus may be attractive along the growth dimension; however, rising pollution, via the health channel, definitely hurts welfare. A set of policy instruments – availability of private health insurance to top-up pay-as-you-go coverage of medical bills along with a Pigouvian tax on emissions –can replicate the first best.


 Health Risk, Precautionary Saving, and the Pollution-Growth Nexus.pdf

