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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社


2001年6月21日至24日,北京大学中国经济研究中心(CCER)与美国国家经济研究局(NBER)第四届中国经济研讨会在京举行。会议就中国宏观经济、税收、财政、社会保障等问题进行了广泛的探讨。财政部副部长楼继伟、国家外汇管理局局长郭树清出席了研讨会并分别作了“中国的税收问题”及“中国汇率政策问题”的发言,中国银河证券公司秘书长方星海博士也到会并发言。美国国家经济研究局的代表Martin Feldstein、Shangjin WEI、Roger Gordon、Alan Auerbach、Michelle White、Kathryn Dominguez、James Hines、Charles Calomiris及中心教授林毅夫、易纲、陈平、梁能、姚洋、赵耀辉在会上提交论文并发言。


Opening Statements Martin Feldstein (Harvard and NBER) Ping CHEN (CCER)

·Overview of the Chinese Economy                  

Chair: Martin Feldstein

Justin LIN (CCER): The Chinese Economy and at the Turn of the Century   

Roger Gordon (UCSD): An American Economist''s View of the Chinese Economy 

·Tax and Debt

Chair: Justin LIN

Jiwei LOU (Executive Deputy Minister of Finance) China’s Tax Issues

Alan Auerbach (Berkeley): Government Debt                

Xinqiao PING (CCER): Fiscal Decentralization

Justin LIN: Comparative Advantages and Economic Convergence

Factory Visit: Legend Computers

·Financial Sector Development                  

Chair: Shangjin WEI

Michelle White (UCSD): Raising Capital by SMEs

Yuanzheng CAO (Bank of China International Holdings): Basic Issues in Financial Reform

Jianhuai SHI (CCER): Financial Market and Economic Development


Chair: Roger Gordon

Shangjin WEI (Harvard CID & Brookings): Tariff Rate and Tariff Evasion(ppt)
Measuring the Effect of Tariffs on Tax Evasion: Evidence from "Missing Imports" in China(word)

Yang YAO (CCER):Privatization in China(ppt)

Neng LIANG (CCER): Board Structure in Shanghai Private Firms

·Trade and Exchange Rate                   

Chair: Ping CHEN

Kathryn Dominguez (University of Michigan): Exchange Rate Policies (ppt)

ShuQing GUO (Vice Governor of People’s Bank, Director General of State Administration of Foreign Exchange): China’s Exchange Rate Policy

Gang YI (People’s Bank & CCER): Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Regime(word)

·Public Finance

Chair: Alan Auerbach

James Hines (University of Michigan): Tax Evasion(ppt)Understanding Tax Evasion Dynamics (pdf)

Ping CHEN (CCER): Banking Monopoly & Tax Evasion(ppt)

·Social Security and Labor Market

Chair: Feng LU

Martin Feldstein (Harvard): Social Security Reforms

Yaohui ZHAO (CCER): Labor Migration and Urbanization(ppt)
          Chinese Urban Pension System: Reforms and Problems (word)

Justin LIN (CCER): Rate of Return for China’s Investment(ppt)


Chair: Wen HAI

Charles Calomiris (Columbia University): Theory and the U.S. Experience

Xinghai FANG (Galaxy Securities Co.): Financial Sector - the Bottleneck of China''s Economy(ppt)

Closing Statements: Wen HAI  Martin Feldstein



  美国国家经济研究局以往的研究囊括了社会所面临的许多问题。该局的早期研究主要集中在宏观经济上,即详细地研究商业周期和长期经济增长。Simon Kuznets对国民收入会计的前卫研究,Wesley Mitchell对商业周期的有影响力的研究,以及Milton Friedman对货币需求和消费支出决定因素的研究都属于该局的早期研究范畴。


  美国国家经济研究局由来自美国第一流大学和主要国民经济机构的代表所组成的主任委员会管理。该局委员会中也有来自商界、贸易工会和学术界的杰出经济学家。Martin Feldstein是该局的主席和行政主管。除了副研究员和研究员外,该局还雇用了45名员工。该局的总办公室设在麻萨诸塞州的坎布里奇(Cambridge),在加里福尼亚的帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)和纽约分别设有分办公室。

