The Foundation Center
Phone: (800) 424-9836 or (212) 620-4230
The Foundation Center, 79 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003-3076
An independent nonprofit information clearinghouse on grants available throughout the United States. With headquarters in New York, and additional libraries in Washington, DC, Atlanta, Cleveland, and San Francisco, the center offers publications, including directories of foundation and corporate grantmakers, research advice, custom research and database searching. The website includes online training in grantseeking, proposal writing, and funding research as well as an online librarian.
Government Information Services/Education Funding Research Council (GIS/EFRC)
Phone: (800) 876-0226
GIS/EFRC, P.O. Box 22782, Tampa, FL 33622
Offers a complete listing of all GIS/EFRC publications that focus on grant and funding issues. GIS/EFRC publication subscribers have access to a special section that provides resources such as grant deadlines, highlights of funding issues and links to related web sites.
Phone: (847) 785-8000
FastWEB, 2550 Commonwealth Avenue, North Chicago, IL 60064
The largest online scholarship search available, with 400,000 scholarships representing over one billion in scholarship dollars. Provides students with accurate, regularly updated information on scholarships, grants, and fellowships suited to their goals and qualifications, all at no cost to the student.
WestEd is a non-profit research, development and service agency dedicated to improving education and other opportunities for children, youth and adults. The Funding, Grants and Reports section of their website provides a listing of corporate and foundation grant sources, publications, and links to grant information on the Web, as well as "Tips on preparing a successful proposal."
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Periodicals with Grant Information
Electronic Learning
Publisher: Scholastic, Inc., Jefferson City, MO
Phone: (800) 541-5513
Scholastic, Inc., 2931 East McCarty Street, Jefferson City, MO 65102 Electronic Learning, a pull-out section of, but also distributed separately from Instructor Magazine, focuses on the use of technology in the classroom. The EL website will soon be expanded to include grant information.
MultiMedia Schools
Publisher: Information Today, Inc., Medford, NJ
Phone: (609) 654-6266
This print magazine, published five times a year, addresses multiple technologies used in K-12 schools today. Selected full-text content is now available online. Includes a NewsWatch section, which posts technology-related funding news and links.
Technology & Learning Online
Publisher: Miller Freeman, Inc., San Francisco, CA
Phone: (800) 607-4410
Miller Freeman, Inc., 600 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 The online version of the print magazine contains a Grants and Contests section with a searchable database of regularly updated grant, scholarship, professional development and other funding opportunities for both educators and students. The site recently integrated with Gwen Solomon's Well Connected Educator, producing a much more extensive site that includes an interactive forum, software reviews, and other resources. Published eight times a year.
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Corporate and Foundation Grants
Polaris Grants Central
Phone: (800) 368-3775
Polaris specializes in organizational grant programs working with schools to get grant funding for curriculum development. They also work with non-profits and health care organizations to fund clinics or health education programs. Polaris provides step-by-step, how-to instruction and training in grants acquisition, they publish how-to books and other publications, provide technical assistance and support services to help people acquire grant funding, and they provide online advice on their Web site.
Cisco Systems Virtual Schoolhouse Grant Program
Phone: (408) 526-4226
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 Provides one time awards of approximately $10,000 in networking product, service and training (up to $500,000 in grants each year) to K-12 schools for curriculum-based internet connections. Applicants who are most likely to receive awards will be those who demonstrate solid technology plans and financial and personnel commitment to implement them. Annual application deadline in March.
International Technology Education Association
Phone: (703) 860-2100
ITEA, 1914 Association Drive, Suite 201, Reston, VA 20191-1539
A professional association for technology education teachers who teach problem-based learning using math, science and technology principals. The Grants/Scholarships/Awards section provides information on support programs offered by the Foundation for Technology Education and ITEA. Opportunities are available to ITEA members only.
NEC Foundation of America
Phone: (516) 753-7021
TTY: (516) 753-7904
NEC Foundation of America, 8 Corporate Center Drive, Melville, NY 11747-3112 The corporate philosophy of NEC is "the integration of computers and communications." Its Foundation follows this philosophy and gives grants to those organizations and programs with a national reach and impact in science and technology education, principally at the secondary level, or technology used to assist people with disabilities. Application deadlines are March 1 and September 1. The application process takes six months.
Sun Microsystems Foundation Open Gateway Grants Program
Phone: (650) 336-0487
Sun Microsystems, Inc., Corporate Affairs Dept.,
901 San Antonio Road, M/S UPAL01-462, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Provides hardware and software grants, training, and technical support to: assist schools, particularly in economically disadvantaged communities, in making the transition to network computing; assist schools in utilizing networked based tools to implement new teaching strategies that improve instruction and student outcomes; and promote the full integration of technology into curriculum to help ensure that students are prepared to become information workers of tomorrow.
Toyota USA Foundation
Phone: (310) 618-6766
Foundation Administrator, Toyota USA Foundation, A404
19001 S. Western Avenue, Torrance, CA 90509
Committed to improving K-12 education, the Foundation offers grants to non-profit organizations for projects which increase the productivity of students and/or educators primarily in the areas of math and science. Applications are reviewed continually (no deadline).
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Government Grants
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Phone: (703) 306-1234, (800) 877-8339
TDD: (703) 306-0090
National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230
NSF supports research and education in science and engineering through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements to more than 2,000 colleges, universities, and other research and/or education institutions in all parts of the U.S. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.
U.S. Department of Education Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunities in Individual Offices and Programs of the U.S. Department of Education (i.e. Bilingual Education and Minority Languages, Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration, Postsecondary Institutions, Migrant Education, etc.). Links to grants and contracts information, departmentguidelines and regulations, and Federal Register documents (invitations for grant applications, requests for comments, etc.).
Applicant information for nine new initiatives: Class Size Reduction, the Reading Excellence Act, Safe & Drug-Free Schools, Gear-Up, Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology, Teacher Quality Enhancement Programs, Bilingual Education Professional Development, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and Learning Anytime Anywhere Partnerships.
U.S. Department of Education Technology Innovation Challenge Grants (TICG)
Phone: (202) 208-3882
Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Program, U.S. Department of Education, OERI
555 New Jersey Avenue NW, Room 522, Washington, DC 20208
Grants from $500,000 a year to $2,000,000 a year are available to improve and expand new applications of technology to strengthen school reform efforts, improve student achievement, and provide sustained professional development for teachers, administrators, and school library media personnel. Challenge Grants are five-year development and demonstration projects. They are not planning grants.
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Technology Donation Programs
Computers for Learning
Hotline: (888) 362-7870
The computers for Learning program donates surplus federal computer equipment to schools and educational nonprofits, giving special consideration to those with the greatest need. Any public, private, or parochial school or home-school serving pre-K through 12 students in the U.S. or it's territories is eligible.
Computer Recycling Center, Inc. (CRC)
Phone: (408) 327-1800
Computer Recycling Center, Inc., 2971 Mead Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051
Through its "Recycling Computers for Education" program, CRC has been placing refurbished computers in California schools for the past five years. With its new "One Hundred for One Hundred" national campaign, CRC's goal is to inspire 100 groups, businesses, or individuals to collect 100 computers each over the course of 100 days, and then place these computers in schools within each community.
Detwiler Foundation
Phone: (800) 939-6000
Detwiler Foundation, 470 Nautilus Street, Suite 400, La Jolla, CA 92037
Nonprofit foundation accepts, repairs, and places donated computer equipment into K-12 schools in 22 states. Their goal is to reduce the national ratio of students-to-computers to one computer for every five students-a goal that can be accomplished if just ten percent of the computers taken out of service each year were donated.
PEP Site: National Computer Recycling Programs
A state, national and international directory of agencies that facilitate donations of used computer hardware for schools and community groups. Provides annotations and contact information for programs such as the National Cristina Foundation, the East West Education Development Foundation, and the National Education Technology Initiative, among others.
Gifts In Kind International
Phone: (703) 836-2121
Gifts In Kind International, 333 North Fairfax St., Alexandria, VA 22314
Each year, thousands of companies contribute hundreds of millions of dollars in newly manufactured products through Gifts In Kind International to a network of over 50,000 charities around the world. To receive product donations and discounts, registration with Gifts In Kind International's Agency Partner program is required. The annual cost is $125 if your revenue is less than $1 million and $250 if your budget is more than $1 million.