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The Implications of Merchandise Trade Liberaliza

题目  The Implications of Merchandise Trade Liberalization in China's Accession to WTO 
主讲人  Will Martin 
时间  2000年10月27日(星期五)11:00-12:30 
地点  北京大学中国经济研究中心致福轩 

Lead Economist, The World Bank

Assessing the Implications of Merchandise Trade Liberalization in China's Accession to WTO 

  China's forthcoming accession to the WTO will be a turning point for China, and for the rest of the world. It involves reforms across a wide range of sectors in China, both in directly trade-related sectors and behind the border. The implications of these reforms are greatly influenced by the starting point partially reformed economy with relatively high import duties, but in which export sectors benefit from liberal duty exemptions on the inputs used in the production of exports. China and its major trading partners are estimated to gain from accession, and some competing countries to suffer small losses. The adjustments
  required are greatly reduced by the liberalization that China has undertaken in the 1990s. A full evaluation of accession, and design of appropriate policy responses will require detailed analysis in a number of areas, including agricultural policies, the proposed liberalization of clothing and textiles, safeguards mechanisms, and the automobile sector.



