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Fiscal Incentives for Investment and Innovation

世界银行著名经济学家Anwar Shah 博士应邀将于12月10日起为我院师生做题为“Fiscal Incentives for Investment and Innovation”的讲座,具体安排如下:

1.时间:12月10日周二 上午9:00-11:30


2.时间:12月11日周三 上午9:00-11:30


3.时间:12月12日周四 上午9:00-11:30


4.时间:12月13日周五 上午9:00-11:30


附Dr. Anwar Shah简介:

Dr. Anwar Shah is Lead Economist and Coordinator, Public Sector Institutional Reform Cluster with the Operations Evaluation Department, World Bank. His current research interests are in the areas of governance, fiscal federalism, fiscal reform and global environment. He has published several books/monographs on these subjects including The Reform of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Developing and Transition Economies (World Bank, 1994) and a 1995 Oxford University Press Book on Fiscal Incentives for Investment and Innovation. His articles have appeared in leading economic and policy journals. He also serves as a referee and on editorial advisory boards for leading economic journals.

