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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【5月27日】Return Reversals, Idiosyncratic Risk and Expected Returns

  题  目:Return  Reversals,  Idiosyncratic  Risk  and  Expected  Returns

  演讲人:Ghon  Rhee  (University  of  Hawaii)

  时  间:5月27日周二下午3:30

  地  点:北京大学光华118


  Bali and Cakici (2006) find no relation between equally-weighted portfolio returns and idiosyncratic risk, whereas Ang et al. (2006a) report a negative relation between value-weighted portfolio returns and idiosyncratic risk. Our analyses demonstrate that both findings can be explained by short-term monthly return reversals. The abnormal positive returns from taking a long (short) position in the low (high) idiosyncratic risk portfolio are fully explained by an additional control variable, the “winners minus losers” portfolio returns, introduced to the conventional three- or fourfactor time-series regression model. The cross-sectional regressions also confirm that no robust and significant relation exists between idiosyncratic risk and expected returns once we control for return reversals.

