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【4月9日】A Primer on Measuring and Detecting D

  题目:A Primer on Measuring and Detecting Discrimination in Market and Non-Market Contexts

  主讲人:Samuel L. Myers, 美国米尼苏达大学教授 (University of Minnesota)





  Conventional methods of measuring discrimination in labor markets, credit markets and more recently in child protection services and the criminal justice system adopt the residual difference technique that measures the counter-factual outcomes for group members suspected of differential treatment.  The residual difference technique permits the analyst to compare actual outcomes for specified groups to "equal treatment" outcomes.  Differences between actual outcomes and the counter-factual, equal-treatment outcomes are deemed to signal market or non-market discrimination. 

  This presentation details the residual difference technique for linear, log-linear and logistic models.  Provided is a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of using the residual difference method. Illustrations from  diverse markets and non-market situations are also provided.


  Samuel L. Myers, Jr. is Director and Professor, Roy Wilkins Center for Human Relations and Social Justice, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota . He has published more than 100 studies in the areas of microeconomic policy analysis.  He is a pioneer in the use of applied econometric techniques to examine racial disparities in crime, to detect illegal discrimination in credit markets, and to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative policies designed to reduce disparities in government procurement and contracting.  He is a national authority on the methodology of conducting disparity studies.

  Myers is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, a past president of the National Economic Association and a past president of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

