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【10月13日】The Pricing of Risk and Sentiment:


  题目:The Pricing of Risk and Sentiment: A Study of Executive Stock Options

  报告人:Charles Chang (Cornell University)

  时 间:10月13日(周二)10:00-11:30am

  地 点:光华新楼217教室

  摘 要:Using all US employee stock options (ESOs) issued and executive compensation paid between 1992 and 2004, we find that executives value ESOs at a 126% premium to market value. Accounting for illiquidity, option pricing models generally imply a discount to market value. Our three-asset, jump diffusion model considers the role of sentiment which offsets illiquidity. Observed ESO premia are explained by a sentiment level of 28.6% in risk-adjusted, annualized excess return, suggesting a high level of executive over-confidence. Subjective value is negatively related to illiquidity, positively related to sentiment, and negatively related to idiosyncratic risk in all specifications.


