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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【4月23日】北京:Attention effect on the ex date: Evidence from Taiwan

“汉青论坛”第五期:Attention effect on the ex date: Evidence from Taiwan

【本期主题】Attention effect on the ex date: Evidence from Taiwan

We propose a new explanation for the abnormal return on ex dates. The ex date is a high-publicity event that can attract attention of small investors and moves stock prices even when there is no tax and no price discreteness. We test this attention hypothesis using a sample of stock dividends distributed by listed companies in Taiwan.
We find that small investors are significant buyers on ex dates, and their purchases are higher for high-attention stocks, that is, stocks that have high distribution rates or high investor sentiment. The media coverage and the ex-date return are also higher for the same kinds of stocks. The attention hypothesis imposes nonlinear restrictions on coefficients across regressions, and we cannot reject them.

【报告人】胡星阳    台湾大学财务金融系教授
【时 间】4月23日中午12:00 
【地 点】中国人民大学明德主楼714室

联系人:李红梅    62514479
报告人简介:胡星阳现任台湾大学财务金融系教授。胡教授毕业于美国罗彻斯特大学(University of Rochester),取得商学博士学位(主修财务)。研究范围包括行为财务、公司治理及市场微结构。曾获APFA/PACAP Finance Conference Chicago Mercantile Exchange Competitive Research Award,证券市场发展季刊优秀论文奖,台湾大学管理学院学术研究奖,著作刊登于Financial Management, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Corporate Governance: An International Review, International Review of Financial Analysis, 财务金融学刊, 证券市场发展季刊, 经济论文等学术期刊。


