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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【5月26日】北京:Does Pollution Drive Up Public Health Expenditure?

【本期主题】Does Pollution Drive Up Public Health Expenditure?

  Does pollution drive up health care expenditure? The primary objective of this paper is to answer such an important question empirically using a panel dataset consisting of 31 Chinese provinces covering the period 1997-2003. In particular, this paper explores the nonstationarity and cointegration properties between health care expenditure and environmental indicators. This is done in a panel cointegration framework and in doing so, we examine both the long-run and the short-run impacts of per capita provincial GDP, waste and gas emissions, dust and smug emissions, and waste and water emissions on per  capita public health expenditure. We apply panel unit root tests, heterogeneous panel cointegration tests, FOLS techniques, and a panel-based error correction model. Our conclusion is that,  no matter in the long run or the short run, public health expenditure is not only positively affected by the province’s economy, but also by environmental quality.

论文下载: Does_Pollution_Drive_Up_Health_Care_Expenditure_042110.pdf(见附件)

【报告人】郑新业   中国人民大学经济学院院长助理     副教授 
【时 间】5月26日 中午12:00
【地 点】中国人民大学明德主楼734室

 联系人:李红梅    62514479

  郑新业副教授,Georgia State University经济学博士,中国人民大学经济学硕士。2006年9月至今,任职于中国人民大学经济学院 。1999年至2001年,任职于中国社会科学院工业经济研究所。1993年至1996年,任职于中国北方工业北京公司。教授课程有:中级宏观经济学(本科)、公共经济学(研究生)。研究领域主要为实证公共经济学和微观发展经济学。主要研究成果著作有(含译著): The Economics of Child Labor, VDM Publishing House, 2008。课题项目: PI, State and Local Public Finance, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (PKU), 2008 顾问,电力监管报告(2007), 国家电力监管委员会, 2007。


  主讲人:傅十和    西南财经大学副教授
  主题:Testing Local Comovement of Stock Returns: Local Bias or Agglomeration Economies?


