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【6月30日】上海:The role of abstract and concre

题 目: The role of abstract and concrete mindsets on the purchase of products from adjacent categories

报告人:Jing Xu,北京大学光华管理学院助理教授





Although much research has examined consumer choice in isolation (e.g., choosing which of several brands to buy in a single product category), real world consumer choice often involves making a series of whether or not to buy decisions among products that belong to adjacent categories and serve the same higher order goal (e.g., choosing if one should buy toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, and/or whitening strips in the oral care aisle).  This paper develops a goal theoretic framework to understand how a consumer’s mindset, whether abstract or concrete, influences her likelihood of purchasing products from adjacent categories.  Across a series of experiments, we find that an abstract mindset increases the number of products purchased from adjacent categories.  In support of our proposed framework, we find this effect of mindsets on the propensity to purchase applies only to products that relate to the same higher order goal and are complementary in nature (as opposed to those that serve different higher order goals or are substitutable in nature).  Further, using a field experiment, we find that the proposed effect of mindset generalizes to actual shopping contexts where consumers make real choices and spend their own money. The paper concludes by suggesting strategies for how an understanding of consumer mindsets can be used to improve marketing communications.


Prof. Jing Xu received her PhD from Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. She is currently Assistant Professor of Marketing at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Prof. Xu’s research interest lies in the interplay of social cognition and consumer behavior. Specifically, she studies the relationships between expected and actual consumption experiences and the implication for consumer decision making and well-being. In addition, she is working on projects related to assortment choice and cognitive representation. Prof. Xu teaches undergraduate, MBA level consumer behavior course, and PHD seminars in consumer behavior and experimental design.


