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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社


主题一:Doing business in Italy
主题二:Made in Italy, Made with China: Italy-China trade and FDI relations at a glace
主讲人:Francesca Spigarelli (Associate Professor, University of Macerata)
内容提要:The first presentation examines structure and main features of Italian industrial system. A specific attention is paid to the role of industrial districts and of small and medium firms in shaping the competitiveness of Italy in the word. The entrepreneurship style and attitudes of Italian people is examined. Main question that will be address during the presentation are: Is Italy a good place to do business? Which kind of firms operate in Italy? Which kind of management style would a foreign firm find in Italy?
The second one examines the role of China – Italy relationships in term of trade and FDIs flows. A specific attention is paid to Chinese investments in the country and on the effects of the Go Global policy in Italy. The main type of Chinese investments, their strategic motivations, as well as the role of ethnic networks are analyzed. The phenomenon is still not significant in quantitative terms, but trends are impressive. Italy can provide an access to western markets and strategic logistic services, as well as to a wide array of distinctive skills/intangible assets in manufacturing industries. The financial crisis has boost acquisitions and deals.

