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摘要:当前的包括减少温室气体排放等环保投资,会减少现在的消费,但也减少将来的清洗投资而增加将来的消费。多数分析者,尤其是经济学者,聚焦 于这个消费的替代。是否应该立刻采取强烈的避免全球暖化的措施,很大程度依赖于对将来的消费的折现率是低(1-2%)还是高(5-6%)。由于存在临界点 和级联效应,照常排放可能造成世界灭亡,将来才来挽救可能已经来不及。聚焦于这个更加重要的减少全球灭亡的或然率的问题,更大地提供支持立刻强烈环保措施 的论据,因为对将来的效用或福祉的折现率,只应该根据其实现的不确定率,而这不大于每年0.01%。 出乎预料,这个不确定率或灭亡的或然率的增加,可能增加也可能减少我们应该愿意减少它的意愿。当你的房子被火烧掉的或然率增加时,你应该减少对那些不影响 火灾的或然率的投资,例如室内布置等,但你不是应该增加对那些能够减少火灾或然率的投资吗?如何解释上述反直观的结论呢?
Abstract: Actions now to reduce environmental disruption including the emission of greenhouse gases reduces current consumption and future cleaning up, hence increasing future consumption. Most analysts especially economists focus on this trade-off. Whether immediate and strong actions for climate change prevention should be taken then depends much on whether a low (1-2% per annum) or high (5-6%) discount rate on future consumption is used. Due to the likely existence of tipping points and cascade effects, business as usual may entail the danger of global extinction too late to reverse in the future. Focusing on this more important problem of reducing the extinction probabilities provides a much stronger support for strong actions, because future utility/welfare values should only be discounted at their uncertainty rates of realization of no more than 0.01%. Unexpectedly, an increase in the extinction probabilities may, somewhat counter-intuitively, either increase or decrease our willingness to reduce them; the precise conditions are given. The related intuition that, the higher the probability of destruction of your house by bush fire, the less willing you will be in investing on such things like interior decoration that does not change the probability of destruction, but the higher your willingness to invest in things like paving a fire clearance that do reduce the probability of destruction is examined.  
黄有光简历:澳大利亚公民,华裔。1942年出生于马来西亚,毕业于槟城韩江 中学、新加坡南洋大学(1966)、悉尼大学(1971)。曾在澳大利亚Monash大学任教授(1974-2012)与终生荣誉教授(2013开始)。 现任新加坡南洋理工大学经济系Winsemius讲座教授。于1980年被选为澳大利亚社会科学院院士。于2007年获得澳大利亚经济学会最高荣誉 - 杰出学者。在经济学、哲学、生物学、心理学、社会学、数学、宇宙学等学术期刊(包括AER, Economica, EJ, JET, JPE, RES, SCW)发表两百余篇审稿论文。兴趣与贡献包括: 中国经济问题,福祉经济学与公共政策,提创福祉生物学与综合微观、宏观与全局均衡的综观分析,与杨小凯合作发展以现代数理方法分析古典的分工、专业化与经 济组织的新兴古典经济学。近著:《宇宙是怎样来的?》,2011;《从诺奖得主到凡夫俗子的经济学谬误》,2011;《快乐之道: 个人与社会如何增加快乐?》,2013,复旦大学出版社; 《快乐幸福学》,台湾五南图书出版公司,2015。
