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Reciprocation Wariness, Information Sharing and Outcomes in Dyadic Negotiation


主讲人:张志学副教授   光华管理学院人力资源与组织行为学系

题 目:Reciprocation Wariness, Information Sharing and Outcomes in Dyadic Negotiation



Reciprocation Wariness, Information Sharing and Outcomes in Dyadic Negotiation

Zhi-Xue Zhang & Yu-Lan Han


  This study examined the influence of reciprocation wariness, a general fear of exploitation in interpersonal relationships, on negotiators’ motivational orientation, information sharing and outcomes. It was predicted that negotiators with low reciprocation wariness are more likely to be cooperatively oriented, to share more information with their opponents, and have more understanding of their opponents’ priorities and preferences than negotiators with high reciprocation wariness. It was also predicted that reciprocation wariness is positively related to both the dyad’s joint gain of and the negotiators’ perceptions with each other after the negotiation. 184 on-the-job MBA students were divided into 92 dyadic groups and participated in a simulated business negotiation. The results showed that: reciprocation wariness had a significant effect on negotiators’ motivational orientation, the extent of information sharing and the perceptions of the other party; negotiating dyads with low-low reciprocation wariness got higher joint gains than those with high-high reciprocation wariness.

