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主讲人:亚利桑那州立大学  北京大学光华管理学院 徐淑英




Retaining Chinese Middle Managers:
The Motivational Potential of the Mutual Investment Employee Organization Relationship

Anne S. Tsui
Arizona State University
Peking University 


This study serves to further the understanding of the mechanisms by which the modern Chinese middle manager is motivated to stay with an employer. More specifically, this study investigates the types of employee-organization relationships (EOR) that are useful in retaining middle managers in a context of an extremely tight labor market and many attractive alternatives. Utilizing social exchange theory and social learning theory, this study analyzes the role of organizational trust and psychological empowerment in mediating the influence of mutual investment EOR approach on the middle managers’ intention to leave an employer. With a sample of 450 Chinese middle managers, we found that the mutual investment EOR approach predicts the lowest levels of intention to leave the organization, relative to three other EOR approaches. It also is associated with the highest levels of organizational trust and psychological empowerment. The study further reveals that the motivational mechanism of organizational trust is stronger than that of psychological empowerment. The findings of this study support the importance of a mutual investment relationship with middle managers by an employer and offer deeper insight into the role of cultural context in the motivation of Chinese middle managers.  


徐淑英(Anne S. Tsui)简介


徐教授是Academy of Management Journal19961999年度的主编,还担任多份国际学术期刊的编委。她于1997年当选美国管理学院院士。她是香港科技大学商学院组织管理系的创始主任(19942000),也是香港科技大学恒隆组织研究中心的创始主任。近年来,致力于推动中国管理学的研究。先后主编三本由国际知名学者参加撰写的有关中国管理研究的英文著作。2001年开始创办国际中国企业管理研究学会(IACMR),并担任该学会的首任主席。

徐淑英教授在管理学领域的学术成就享誉国际。她的许多研究论文发表在国际顶尖的管理学期刊上,并曾多次获奖。她于1993年获得组织行为杰出刊物奖、于1998年获得Administrative Science Quarterly学术贡献奖、1997获得全年最佳AMJ论文的殊荣及美国管理学院人力资源部颁发的学术成就奖。


