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Frequent Flier Programs As Bribery: Moral Hazar

战略管理系系列讲座(33)Thomas W. Ross

题目:Frequent Flier Programs As Bribery: Moral Hazard And The World’s Largest Customer Loyalty Programs
主讲人:Professor Thomas W. Ross (The University of British Columbia)
主讲人简介:Dr. Thomas Ross is UPS Foundation Professor of Regulation and Competition Policy at the Sauder School of Business, the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Dr. Ross is also director of UBC Centre for the Study of Government and Business and director of UBC Election Stock Market Project and editor of Canadian Competition Policy Page.
Dr. Ross obtained his Ph.D degree in Economics in the University of Pennsylvania.  His research area includes industrial organization, competition policy & regulation, international trade with imperfect competition, experimental economics & election stock markets and public finance.  Dr. Ross has published more than 50 papers in prestigious international journals, including International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, International Economic Review and RAND Journal of Economics.
2006321134457ffp paper mar 4 2006.pdf  (283.2KB  2006-3-21 13:44:57)

