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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【11月5日】Change of Firms’ Knowledge Structure

  You are cordially invited to the following seminar hosted by the Department of Strategic Management at the Guanghua School of Management.

  Topic: Change of Firms’ Knowledge Structure in the Search for Influential Technological Inventions

  Venue: Room 201, Old Building of GSM

  Time:   10:00-11:30am, Nov. 5th, 2008 (Wednesday)

  Speaker:  Dr. Weiru Chen, Assistant Prof. Of Strategy, INSEAD; Visiting

  Professor at GSM of PKU

  Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Xuan Wang of the Strategy Department: xuanw@gsm.pku.edu.cn .

  Dr. Chen’s Bio

  Abstract  We argue that, in the search for technological innovations, a firm requires two types of knowledge-related changes. First, it requires component change, which refers to changes in the extent to which new and existing elements or components of knowledge are used in innovation. Second, it requires structural change, or in other words, changes in how knowledge components are integrated and coupled together. We develop arguments on how certain kinds of structural change in an organizational knowledge base lead to the generation of influential inventions. We also examine how technological complexity in the innovation contexts moderates the effects of search strategies in changing the knowledge structure. We test our theory and hypotheses based on patent citation data of US firms across industries between 1976 and 2004

