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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【5月25日】北京:A simultaneous confidence band f

题    目:A simultaneous confidence band for sparse longitudinal regression

报告人:Lijian Yang, Professor, Michigan State University

时     间:2010年5月25日下午2:00-3:00

地     点:光华管理学院2号楼B34(从南区电梯直下B1,很容易找到)

摘     要:Functional data analysis has received considerable recent attention and a number of successful applications have been reported, but none has tackled the issue of simultaneous inference. In this paper, asymptotically simultaneous confidence bands are obtained for the mean function of the functional regression model, using piecewise constant spline estimation. Simulation experiments corroborate the asymptotic theory. The confidence band procedure is illustrated by analyzing the CD4 cell counts of HIV infected patients.

