美国金融学会(AFA)本月初宣布了学会期刊Journal of Finance新一任主编团队,该团队将于2016年6月开始接任编辑任务。
New JF Editorial Team Selected
Date Posted: 十二月 01, 2015
The AFA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the selection of the new Journal of Finance editorial team of Editor Stefan Nagel and Co-Editors Philip Bond, Amit Seru, and Wei Xiong.
The JF has been extremely fortunate to have had Ken Singleton, Bruno Biais, and Michael Roberts as editors, whose term ends in June 2016. We thank the out-going editorial team and congratulate the new team on their selection.
editor:Stefan Nagel (德国人)
Michael Stark Professor of Finance,Professor of Economics
University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
Norman J. Metcalfe Endowed Professor in Finance
Department of Finance, Foster School of Business, University of Washington
Professor of Finance
Booth School of Business, University of Chicago
Hugh Leander and Mary Trumbull Adams Professor in Finance
Professor of Economics
Department of Economics and Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University