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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【12月4日】Valuing Private Equity

题 目:Valuing Private Equity

报告人:Neng Wang, Columbia Business School and NBER

时 间:2012年12月4日(周二)10:00-11:30

地 点:北京大学光华新楼110室

Abstract:To evaluate private equity (PE) performance, we solve a portfolio-choice model for a risk-averse investor (LP), investing in a PE fund, managed by a general partner (GP). Our model captures: illiquidity, non-diversifiable risk and incomplete markets, GP compensation, GP value added, and leverage. We derive tractable formulas for the certainty-equivalent valuation of the PE investment. Importantly, we find that costs of illiquidity and non-diversifiable risk are high and comparable to the costs of GP compensation. Interestingly, leverage reduces these costs. Our analysis suggests that conventional interpretations of PE performance measures are optimistic. On average, LPs may just break even.
