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【11月7日】北京:Sustainable Food, Feed, Fiber, and Bio-Fue

美国农业部(USDA)粮食和农业研究所仪器与传感器国家项目负责人Daniel Schmoldt博士将于2012117(周三)在我校举行学术报告会。欢迎同学们参加。

报告题目:Sustainable Food, Feed, Fiber, and Bio-Fue

时  间:2012117日(周三)1600-1700

地  点:西校区图书馆一楼报告厅(北门入口,正对新教学楼)

主持人:资源与环境学院院长 吴文良教授



Ÿ                     Daniel Schmoldt博士是美国农业部知名专家、仪器与传感器国家计划负责人;

Ÿ                     2001年起,担任美国农业部粮食和农业研究所仪器与传感器国家项目负责人;

Ÿ                     在美国农业部森林署担任研究员15年;

Ÿ                     美国威斯康辛大学林业科学博士。


  Daniel Schmoldt received degrees in mathematics, computer science, and forest science from the Univ. of Wisconsin, and spent 15 years as a research scientist with the USDA Forest Service.  Since 2001 he has been the National Program Leader for Instrumentation and Sensors with the National Institute of Food and Agriculture in USDA.  He manages a $60M portfolio of grant programs that covers pest management, plant breeding and genetics, technology, and food safety related to specialty crops; engineering, products, and process in agricultural systems; agro-climatology research and modeling; and nanotechnology for food and agriculture.





Daniel Schmoldt博士认为农业的可持续发展不能依赖于单一的方法。相反小范围的尝试必须与新的科学知识、政策、创新方法以及地区性、全国性和国际性激励政策相结合,从而引导农业的可持续性发展。此外,Daniel Schmoldt博士将提供关于美国农业的最新情况的简介以及美国农业部粮食和农业研究所的背景介绍。


  Concern for, and investments in, the sustainability of agriculture and food systems have made dramatic strides in the past 10 years.  However, unabated global population growth (the largest in resource-poor countries), threats to productivity resulting from climate change, and limitations in water and arable land availability, create new urgency and challenges for providing sustained, long-term supplies of food, feed, fiber, and bio-fuels.  The speaker argues that no single approach is likely to lead to agricultural sustainability.  Rather, many small-scale, limited-reach efforts must be combined with new scientific knowledge, policies, innovations, and incentives at regional, national, and international scales to dramatically steer agriculture toward more sustainable practices.  However, one thing is clear, if environment, economics, society, and productivity are to be addressed simultaneously, we need to view agriculture as a system of interacting components and develop new practices that are designed with such an understanding at their core.  In addition, the speaker will provide a brief snapshot of U.S. agriculture and some background on the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

