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陆亚东教授是国际上公认的在国际企业管理研究领域最著名的学者之一,他在国际企业管理类重要期刊(包括AMJ, ASQ, SMJ, JIBS, AMR, JAP, OS等)发表一百五十多篇专业论文,出版十七部专著和教材,此外,他在其他类期刊和出版物亦发表一百多篇论文。在多家学术期刊和学术机构发布的学术排行榜上,陆亚东教授的发表量均位居前列。例如,根据亚太管理学报(APJM)在2007和2008年的研究,教授在国际企业管理领域的主流研究中是全球最多产的学者(1996-2006年),也是中国管理领域全球最多产的学者(2000-2006)。《国际商业评论》( International Business Review)最近发布了一项针对全球商务研究学者影响力的评估(1996-2008年期间),陆亚东教授在50名最具影响力的国际企业管理研究学者排名中位列第一。2012年,《管理国际评论 》(Management International Review)对国际商务全球学者研究排名中(2001-2009年)陆教授也排列第一。据Google Scholar 统计,陆教授文章被引用次数超两万次。

 陆亚东教授的研究方向包括全球公司战略、全球公司治理、国际合资企业,以及新兴市场的管理和商务。教授是近年来国际企业管理前沿研究的杰出代表,他的研究在很多研究议题上都是开创性的,例如对国际企业管理中的竞合行为、合作战略、新型市场中的跨国公司,新兴市场企业的国际扩张, 国际化下的公司治理等。在其他一些前沿研究领域,陆亚东教授也作出了突出贡献,例如国际合作中的文化摩擦、国际企业管理中的动态能力、公司政治战略、企业间关系中的组织公平,以及组织中的反腐败等问题。他对新兴市场特别是中国情景下的管理研究具有引领作用,所发表的一系列成果对于更好地理解此类情境下的管理问题做出了重要贡献。例如,他对关系及组织双元性的研究推动了学术界对这些议题的关注,并使之成为管理研究的前沿。根据德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校商学院对A级期刊发表文章的统计,教授是管理学领域最杰出的华人代表之一。 

陆亚东教授1996年在美国天普大学(Temple University)取得博士学位,曾就职于夏威夷大学,赴美留学前在江苏省外经委工作。过去及目前担任许多主要期刊的资深编辑,顾问及编委。目前是Journal of International Business Studies和Globel Strategy Journal顾问编辑。教授还获得过数十个研究教学方面的杰出奖项,包括在2009年获取迈阿密大学杰出学者奖(迈阿密大学商学院首位获奖者)和在1999年获得的夏威夷大学卓越研究勋章(首位夏威夷大学商学院获奖者)。近年来,教授还致力于对国内年青学者及博士生的研究指导以及中国企业管理理论创新研究和国际推广。 陆教授是(短期)获得者。  

陆亚东博士(Yadong Luo)现任美国迈阿密大学(U. of Miami)管理学终身教授,Emery M. Findley杰出讲座教授,国际商务学会(Academy of International Business)Fellow,中山大学特聘教授,管理学院杰出特聘教授,管理学院战略顾问委员会委员。曾任中山大学管理学院院长(2011.3-2014.8)、迈阿密大学管理系主任。


MNETheories - The Eclectic Paradigm (OLI)


1.Dunning,J. 1980. Toward an eclectic theory of international production: Some empiricaltests. Journal of International Business Studies, 11(1): 9-31.

2.Dunning,J. 1988. The eclectic paradigm of international production: A restatement andsome possible extensions. Journal of International Business Studies, 19(1):1-31. **

3.Dunning,J. 2001. The eclectic (OLI) paradigm of international production: Past, presentand future. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 8(2): 173-190.

4.Buckley,P. J. & Hashai, N. 2009. Formalizing internationalization in the eclecticparadigm. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(1): 58-70.


MNETheories - Monopolistic Advantage Theory


1.Hymer,S.H. 1976. The international operations of national firms: A study of directforeign investment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

2.Aliber,R.A. 1970. A theory of foreign direct investment. In C.P. Kindelberger (Ed.),The International Operations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

3.Caves,R. 1971. International corporations: The industrial economics of foreigninvestment. Economica, 38: 1-27.

4.Hennart,J-F. 2009. Theories of the multinational enterprises. In Alan Rugman (ed), TheOxford Handbook of International Business. Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 125-145.


MNETheories -Internalization Theory


1.Calvet,A. 1981. A synthesis of foreign direct investment theories and theories of themultinational firm. Journal of International Business Studies. 12(1): 43-59.

2.Dunning,J. & Rugman, A. 1985. The influence of Hymer’s dissertation on the theoryof foreign direct investment. American Economic Review, 75(2): 228-232.

3.Buckley,P. 1988. The limits of explanation: Testing internalization theory of themultinational enterprise. Journal of International Business Studies, 19(2):181-193.

4.Horaguchi,H. & Toyne, B. 1990. Setting the record straight: Hymer, internalizationtheory and transaction cost economics. Journal of International BusinessStudies, 21(3): 487-494.

5.Rugman,A. and Verbeke, A. 2003. Extending the theory of the multinational enterprise:internalization and strategic management perspectives, Journal of International Business Studies 34(2): 125-137. 6.   

6.Verbeke,A. 2003. The evolutionary view of the MNE and the future of internalizationtheory. Journal of International Business Studies, 34: 498-504.


MNETheories - Liability of Foreignness View


1.Zaheer,S. 1995. Overcoming the liability of foreignness. Academy of ManagementJournal, 38: 341-363. **

2.Mezias,J. 2002. Identifying liabilities of foreignness and strategies to minimizetheir effects: The case of labor lawsuit judgments in the United States.Strategic Management Journal, 23(3): 229.


Institutional View of MNEs


1.Kostova,Tatiana and Zaheer, Srilata. (1999) ‘Organizational legitimacy under conditionsof complexity: The case of the multinational enterprise’, Academy of ManagementReview 24: 64-81. **

2.Kostova,T. 1999. Transnational transfer of strategic & organizational practices: Acontextual perspective. Academy of Management Review, 24: 308-324.

3.Busenitz,L, C. Gomez & J. Spencer. 2000. Country institutional profiles: Unlockingentrepreneurial phenomena. Academy of Management Journal, 43: 994-1003. **

4.KostovaT. & K. Roth. 2002. Adoption of an organizational practice by thesubsidiaries of the MNC. Academy of Management Journal, 45(1): 215-233.

5.Xu,D. & O. Shenkar. 2002. Institutional distance and the multinationalenterprise. Academy of Management Review, 27: 608-618.

6.Meyer,K. & M. Peng. 2005. Probing theoretically into Central and Eastern Europe:transactions, resources, and institutions. JIBS, 36:600-621.


Political Behavior View of MNEs


1.Boddewyn,Jean. (1988) ‘Political Aspects of MNE Theory’, Journal of InternationalBusiness Studies 18(3) (Fall): 341-363. **

2.Boddewyn,Jean and Brewer, Thomas. 1994. International business political behavior: Newtheoretical directions. Academy of Management Review, 19(1): 119-143.

3.Hillman,Amy and Hitt, Michael. (1999) ‘Corporate political strategy formulation: A modeof approach, participation and strategy decisions’, Academy of ManagementJournal 24(4): 825-842.

4.Blumentritt,Timothy P. and Nigh, Douglas. (2002) ‘The Integration of Subsidiary PoliticalActivities in Multinational Corporations’, Journal of International BusinessStudies 33(1) (1st Quarter): 57-77.

5.Habib,Mohsin and Zurawicki, Leon. (2002) ‘Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment’,Journal of International Business Studies 33(2) (2nd Quarter): 291-307.

6.Hillman,Amy and Wan, William. (2005) ‘The determinants of MNE subsidiaries’ politicalstrategies: evidence of institutional duality’, Journal of InternationalBusiness Studies  ***

7.Luo,Yadong. 2006. Political behavior, social responsibility and corruptenvironment: A structuration perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 37(6): 747-766.**


Politics,Government and MNEs


1.Fagre,N, Wells, L.T. (1982), "Bargaining power of multinationals and hostgovernments", Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 13 No.3,pp.9-23.

2.Gomes-Casseres,B (1990), "Firm ownership preferences and host government restrictions: anintegrated approach", Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 21No.1, pp.1-21.

3.Luo,Y. (2001) ‘Towards a Cooperative View of MNC-Host Country Relations: BuildingBlocks and Performance Implications’, Journal of International Business Studies32(3) (3rd Quarter): 401-419.

4.Ramamurti,Ravi. (2001) ‘The Obsolescing ‘Bargain Model’? MNC-Host Developing CountryRelations Revisited’, Journal of International Business Studies 32(1): 23-39.**

5.Agmon,T. (2003) ‘Who gets what: the MNE, the national state and the distributionaleffects of globalization’, Journal of International Business Studies 34:416-427.


Uppsala Model and Experience Perspective of Internationalization


1.Johanson,J. and Vahlne, J. 1977. The internationalization process of the firm: A modelof knowledge development and increasing foreign market commitment. Journal ofInternational Business Studies, 8: 23-32.

2.Anderson,O. 1993. On the internationalization process of firms: A critical analysis. Journalof International Business Studies, 24(2): 209-231. **

3.Davidson,W. 1980. The location of foreign direct investment activity: Countrycharacteristics and experience effects. JIBS, 11:9-22.

4.Erramilli,M.K. 1991. The experience factor in foreign market entry behavior of servicefirms. JIBS, 22: 479-502. ***

5.Benito,G.R. and Gripsrud, G. 1992. The expansion of foreign direct investments:Discrete rational location choices or a cultural learning process? Journalof International Business Studies, 23:461-476.

6.Chang,S.J. 1995. International expansion strategy of Japanese firms: Capabilitybuilding through sequential entry. AMJ, 38: 383-407. **

7.Li,J.T. 1995. Foreign entry and survival: Effects of strategic choices onperformance in international markets, Strategic Management Journal, 16: 333-352.

6.Barkema,H. G., Bell, J. H. and Pennings, J.M. 1996. Foreign entry, cultural barriersand learning. Strategic Management Journal, 17: 151-166.

7.Barkema,H. G. and Vermeulen, F. 1998. International expansion through start-up oracquisitions. A learning perspective. AMJ, 41: 7-26.

8.Luo,Yadong. 1998. Timing of investment and international expansion performance inChina. Journalof International Business Studies, 29(2): 391-408.


Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Internationalization 


1.Anderson,E. and H. Gatignon. 1986. Modes of Foreign Entry – A Transaction Cost Analysisand Propositions. Journal of International Business Studies, 17.3: 1-26. **

2.Zhao,Hongxin, Luo, Yadong and Suh, Taewon. (2004) ‘Transaction cost determinants andownership-based entry mode choice: a meta-analytical review’, Journal ofInternational Business Studies 35: 524-544.

3.Luo,Y. 2005. Transactional characteristics, institutional environment and jointventure contracts. JIBS, 36(2): 209-230.**

4.Agarwal,S. and S.N. Ramaswami. 1992. Choice of Foreign-Market Entry Mode – Impact ofOwnership, Location and Internalization Factors. Journal of InternationalBusiness Studies, 23.1: 1-27.

5.Kim,W.C. and P. Hwang. 1992. Global Strategy and Multinationals: Entry Mode Choice.Journal of International Business Studies¸23.1: 29-53.

6.Pan,Yigang and David Tse. 2000. The hierarchical model of market entry modes.Journal of International Business Studies, 31.4 (4th Quarter): 535-554.


Cultural Distance Perspective and Internationalization


1.Kogut,Bruce and Harbir Singh. 1988. The Effect of National Culture on the Choice ofEntry Mode. Journal of International Business Studies, 19.3: 411-32. **

2.Tihanyi,Laszlo, David A Griffith and Craig J Russell. 2006. The effect of culturaldistance on entry mode choice, international diversification, and MNEperformance: a meta-analysis. Journal of International Business Studies,270-283.

3.Shenkar,Oded, Luo, Yadong and Yeheskel, O. 2008. From “distance” to “friction”:Substituting metaphors and redirecting intercultural research. AMR, 33(4):905-923.


Parent-SubsidiaryLink & I-R Balance View 


1.Ghoshal,S. and C.A. Bartlett. 1990. The Multinational Corporation as anInterorganizational Network, Academy of Management Review, 15 (4): 603-625. **

2.Ghoshal,Sumantra and Bartlett, Christopher A. (1988) ‘Creation, adoption and diffusionof innovations by subsidiaries of multinational corporations,’ Journal ofInternational Business Studies 19(3): 365-388.

3.Sundaram,Anant K. and Black, J. Stewart, (1992) ‘The environment and internalorganization of multinational enterprises,’ Academy of Management Review 17(4):729-757.

4.Birkinshaw,Julian M. and Morrison, Alan J. (1995) ‘Configurations of strategy andstructure in subsidiaries of multinational corporations,’ Journal ofInternational Business Studies 26(4): 729-753. **

5.Harzing,Anne-Wil (2000) ‘An empirical analysis and extension of the Bartlett andGhoshal typology of multinational companies,’ Journal of International BusinessStudies 31(1): 101-120.

6.Luo,Yadong. 2003. Market-seeking MNEs in an emerging market: How parent-subsidiarylinks shape overseas success. JIBS, 34(3): 290-309.

7.Kim,K., Park, J. H., & Prescott, J. E. 2003. The global integration of businessfunctions: A study of multinational businesses in integrated global industries.Journal of International Business Studies, 34(4): 327.


Global Strategic Alliances& International Joint Ventures


1.Inkpen,Andrew and Beamish, Paul. (1997) ‘Knowledge, Bargaining Power, and the Instabilityof International Joint Ventures’, Academy of Management Review 22(1) (January):177-202. **

2.Luo,Yadong. 1997. Partner selection and venturing success: The case of jointventures with firms in the People's Republic of China. Organization Science,8(6): 648-662.

3.Merchant,H. and Schendel D. (2000) How do international joint ventures create value?Strategic Management Journal, 21: 723-737.

4.Luo,Yadong. 2001. Antecedents and consequences of personal attachment incross-cultural cooperative ventures. ASQ, 46(2): 177-201.

5.Luo,Yadong, Oded Shenkar and M-K. Nyaw. 2001. A dual parent perspective on controland performance in international joint ventures. JIBS, 32(1):41-58.

6.Luo,Yadong. 2002. Contract, cooperation, and performance in international jointventures. SMJ, 23(10): 903-920. **

7.Luo,Yadong. 2007. The independent and interactive roles of procedural, distributiveand interactional justice in strategic alliances. AMJ, 50(3): 644-664.


International Diversification and MNEs


1.Kim,W., Hwang, P. & Burgers, W. 1989. Global diversification strategy andcorporate profit performance. Strategic Management Journal, 10: 45-57.

2.Hitt,M., Hoskisson, R. & Kim, H. 1997. International diversification: Effects oninnovation and firm performance in product-diversified firms. Academy of Management Journal, 40(4): 767-796. **

3.Contractor,Farok, Kundu, Sumit K. and Hsu, Chin-Chun. (2003) ‘A three-stage theory ofinternational expansion: the link between multinationality and performance inthe service sector’, Journal of International Business Studies 34: 5-18.

4.Lu,J. and Beamish, P. 2004. International diversification and firm performance:The s-curve hypothesis. Academy of Management Journal, 47: 598-609. **

5.Qian,Gongming, Lee Li, Ji Li and Zhengming Qian. 2008. Regional diversification andfirm performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(2): 197-214.


Knowledge Management and MNEs


1.Kogut,Bruce and Zander, Udo. (1993) ‘Knowledge of the Firm and the EvolutionaryTheory of the Multinational Corporation’, Journal of International BusinessStudies 24(4): 625-645. **

2.Kogut,B. and Zander, U. 1995. Knowledge, market failure and the multinationalenterprise: A reply. Journal of International Business Studies, 26(2): 417-426.

3.Singh,J. 2007. Asymmetry of knowledge spillovers between MNCs and host country firms.Journal of International Business Studies, 38(5): 764-686.


Global Strategies and Emerging Markets


1.Luo,Yadong and Mike W. Peng. 1999. Learning to compete in a transition economy:Experience, environment, and performance. JIBS, 30(2): 269-296.

2.Meyer,Klaus. (2004) ‘Perspectives on multinational enterprises in emergingeconomies’, Journal of International Business Studies 35: 259-276.

3.Luo,Yadong and Tung, Rosalie. 2007. International expansion of emerging marketenterprises: A springboard perspective. JIBS, 38(4): 481-498. **

4.Yiu,Daphne W., Chung Ming Lau and Gary D. Bruton. 2007. International venturing byemerging economy firms: the effects of firm capabilities, home countrynetworks, and corporate entrepreneurship. Journal of International BusinessStudies, 519-540.

5.Luo,Yadong and Rui, H. 2009. An ambidexterity perspective toward multinationalenterprises from emerging economies. Academy of Management Perspective, 23(4):49-70.

6.Luo,Yadong. 2007. From foreign investors to strategic insiders: Shiftingparameters, prescriptions and paradigms for MNCs in China. Journal of WorldBusiness, 42(1): 14-36.

7.Cuervo-Cazurra,Alvaro; Genc, Mehmet. 2008: Transforming disadvantages into advantages:developing-country MNEs in the least developed countries.  Journal of International Business Studies39.6: 957-979.**

8.Zhang,Yan; Li, Haiyang; Li, Yu; Zhou, Li-An. 2010: FDI spillovers in an emerging market: the role of foreign firms'country origin diversity and domestic firms' absorptive capacity.  Strategic Management Journal 31.9: 969.**

9. Mesquita,Luiz F; Lazzarini, Sergio G. 2008: Horizontal and vertical relationships indeveloping economies: implications for SMEs' access to global markets.  Academy of Management Journal 51.2: 359.


