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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社


  【主讲】张燕  美国莱斯大学副教授







  Prior literature on FDI spillover has examined the effects of the ratio of FDIs in an industry and the technology gap between FDIs and domestic firms on the productivity of domestic firms, but has produced inconsistent findings. To reconcile the inconsistent findings, in this study, we propose that the ratio of FDIs and technology gap have an inverted U-shaped effect on the productivity of domestic firms. Further, we examine the moderating effect of the diversity of FDIs’ country origins. We propose that the ratio of FDIs and technology gap are more likely to produce positive FDI spillover when FDIs are from a greater diversity of country origins. We test these arguments using data on Chinese domestic firms in 1998-2003. We find that the ratio of FDIs has an inverted U-shaped effect on the productivity of domestic firms and that the diversity of FDI country origins enhances the positive effect of technology gap on the productivity of domestic firms.


  Dr. Yan Zhang (Anthea) is an associate professor of Strategy at the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management at Rice University. Dr. Zhang's areas of specialization include CEO succession, corporate governance, global strategic alliances, and multinational companies’ strategies in emerging markets. Her research has been published in top-tier management journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, and Journal of Management. Currently, she serves on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal. She is the representative-at-large of the Americas of the International Association of Chinese management Research (IACMR), 2008-2010. Dr. Zhang is a member of the Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society, and the Academy of International Business. She received a B.A. and a M.A. in Economics from Nanjing University, Nanjing, China; a Master of Philosophy degree in International Business from City University of Hong Kong; and a Ph.D. in strategic management from the University of Southern California.

  Email: yanzh@rice.edu

  Website: http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/Faculty/YanZhang/Default.asp

