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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【1月9日】Obtaining Fast Service Through Stable Allocation Policies

  题目:Obtaining Fast Service Through Stable Allocation Policies



  报告人:龚锡挺 博士生 管理科学与信息系统系


  Fast service and short delivery lead times have been very important for buyers procuring service or make-to-order products, and thus, how to stimulate suppliers to build more capacities becomes critical and significant. An important incentive scheme is to make them compete by allocating demand to them based on their performance. In the context of a queueing model with two strategic servers, previous research is aimed at finding optimal allocation policies without considering their stability, i.e., to maintain the queueing system stable whenever possible. This paper studies a variety of state-independent stable allocation policies and compares their performance. We find that balanced allocation, which attempts to balance servers’ residual capacities, performs quite well whenever it has Nash equilibrium. However, the competition caused by this policy is sometimes so much that Nash equilibrium fails to exist. To overcome this shortcoming, we design a stable policy that allocates demand to servers in proportion to their residual capacities and adjusts the level of competition between servers with a parameter. We show that it converges to balanced allocation and is sometimes an optimal state-independent policy.


