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曾毅:Research on Aging and Family

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书名:Research on Aging and Family

Part I.  Aging and Healthy Longevity Studies
第一部分  人口老龄化与健康长寿研究

1.  A New Method for Correcting Underestimation of Disabled Life
Expectancy and an Application to the Chinese Oldest-Old
(Demography, Vol.41, No. 2: 335—361)…………3
2.  Association of Late Childbearing with Healthy Longevity among
the Oldest-Old in China, (Population Studies,
Vol.58, No.1: 37—53)…………30

3. Oldest-Old Mortality in China (Demographic Research,
Vol.8, Article 7:215—244)…………47
4. Gender Differentials of the Oldest Old in China
(Research on Aging, Vol.25, No.1: 65—80)…………77
5. Sociodemographic and Health Profiles of the Oldest Old in China
(Population and Development Review,
Vol.28, No.2: 251—273)…………93

6. Functional Capacity and Self-Evaluation of Health and Life
of the Oldest Old in China (Journal of Social Issue,
Vol.58, No.4: 733—748)…………116

7. The Healthy Longevity Survey and the Active Life Expectancy
of the Oldest Old in China (Population: An English Selection,
Vol.13, No.1:  95—116)…………132

8. Aging in China: Progress and Policy Responses (Reviews in
Clinical Gerontology, Vol.5: 211—216)…………154

Part II.  Family Dynamics
第二部分  家庭动态

9. Changes in Family Structure in China: a Simulation Study,
(Population and Development Review,
Vol.12, No.4: 675—703)…………163

10. Changing Demographic Characteristics and the Family Status of
Chinese Women (Population Studies, Vol.42: 183—203)…………192

11. Household Projection Using Conventional Demographic Data
(Population and Development Review, Supplementary Issue:
Frontiers of Population Forecasting, Vol.24: 59—87)…………213
12. Marriage and Fertility in China: A Graphical Analysis
(Population and Development Review,
Vol.11, No.4: 721—736)…………242

13. Regional Analysis of Divorce in China Since 1980
(Demography, Vol.37, No.2: 215—219)…………258
14. Leaving the Parental Home: Census-Based Estimates for China,
Japan, South Korea, United States, France, and Sweden
(Population Studies, Vol.48: 65—80)…………262

Part III.  Fertility, Sex Ratio at Birth, and Policy Analysis
第三部分  生育、出生性别比与政策分析

15. A Demographic Decomposition of the Recent Increase in Crude
Birth Rates in China (Population and Development Review,
Vol.17: No.3 435—458)…………281
16. Causes and Implications of the Recent Increase in the
Reported Sex Ratio at Births in China (Population and
Development Review, Vol.19, No.2: 283—302)…………303

17. Is Fertility in China in 1991—1992 Far Below the
Replacement Level? (Population Studies, Vol.50: 27—34)…………323
18. The Impact of Institutional Reform from 1979 through 1987
on Fertility in Rural China (Chinese Economic Review,
Vol.10: 141—160)…………331

19. A Simple Method for Projecting or Estimating α and β:
An Extension of the Brass Relational Gompertz Fertility Model
(Population Research and Policy Review,
Vol.19: 525—549)…………351
20. A Sensitivity Analysis of the Bongaarts-Feeney Method for
Adjusting Bias in Observed Period Total Fertility Rates
(Demography, Vol.38, No.1: 17—28)…………376
21. Adjusting Period Tempo Changes with an Extension of Ryder's
Basic Translation Equation (Demography, Vol. 39,
No. 2: 269—285)…………387
22. The Impact of Urbanization and Delayed Childbearing on Population
Growth and Aging in China (Population and Development
Review, Vol. 15, No.3: 425:445)…………404

23. Population Tradeoffs in China (Policy Sciences,
Vol.24: 389—406)…………425
24. Is the Chinese Family Planning Program “Tightening Up”?
(Population and Development Review,
Vol.15, No.2:333—337)…………443

