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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【11月11日】南京:The Role of Family Income in

报告题目 The Role of Family Income in the Educational Attainment of Children: Evidence from Chinese Twins
报告人(单位) 熊艳艳(东南大学)
点评人(单位) 徐康宁(东南大学) 点评人(单位) 邱斌(东南大学)
时间地点 2011年11月11日(周五下午2:30)东南大学九龙湖经济管理学院2-201会议室
This paper examines the effect of family income on the educational attainment of the next generation using unique twins data collected from urban China. By using twins strategy, we can largely control for unobservables, which may cause biases in estimations. Our ordinary least squares estimates show that increasing family income can improve child schooling. When we conduct the within twins estimations, family income remains to have a positive effect. These results are robust when children’s age and gender, parental education level, the maximum schooling of grandparents, and the number of children are controlled. In general, our results suggest that family income does have a positive effect on child schooling. Redistributing income would reduce the educational gap of the next generation.
