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Chinese and American Arbitrators: Examining the


题 目: Chinese and American Arbitrators: Examining the Effects of Attributions and Culture on            

    Award Decisions

主讲人:Prof. Ray Friedman, PHD

    The Owen Graduate School of Management,

    Vanderbilt University

时 间:2005321日(星期一)1200-1400 PM

地 点:北京大学光华管理学院 201 会议室

语 言:英语


Most arbitration research has been conducted in United States, despite the growth of arbitration internationally. In this study, we examine differences between Chinese and Americans arbitrators. First, we examine general levels of leniency versus punishment when arbitrators make awards. We predict, and find, that Chinese arbitrators punish bad performance more heavily than do American arbitrators. Second, we examine the effects of attributions on awards. Prior theory suggests that Chinese tend to have more external attributions for events, which should make Chinese arbitrators more lenient than American arbitrators. We find the opposite – that Chinese arbitrators have more internal attributions for poor performance than do Americans. Moreover, where evidence is mixed (evidence is provided for both internal and external attributions), American arbitrators pay more attention to external causes, while Chinese arbitrators pay more attention to internal causes.

Prof. Ray Friedman

Ray Friedman is Brownlee O. Currey Professor of Management at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, and his B.A. from Yale University. His research interests include social aspects of negotiation, inter-group conflict in organizations, and group differences in justice perceptions. His articles have appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organization Science, Human Relations, Negotiation Journal, International Journal of Conflict Management, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, and Human Resource Management. His book on the social dynamics of labor negotiations, Front Stage, Backstage: The Dramatic Structure of Labor Negotiations, was published by MIT Press in 1994. He teaches courses in organizational behavior, negotiation, and labor relations. He has served as Division Chair and Program Chair for the Conflict Management Division of the Academy of Management, has elected as the president for International Association for Conflict management and is associate editor of the International Journal of Conflict Management.

