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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

【11月24日】北京:Welfare Reform and Children's Short-Run Attainments

【本期主题】Welfare Reform and Children's Short-Run Attainments
The effects of single mothers’ welfare participation and work decisions on children’s outcomes are
important. First, theories and empirical studies regarding the effects of mothers’ work on children’s
attainments yield ambiguous findings. Second, participating in AFDC also exhibits a negative statistical
relationship with the participating children’s possible outcomes of all sorts in the data. We develop a
dynamic structural model of a single mother’s work and welfare participation decisions while their children
are young. This model is used to measure the effects of mothers’ decisions on children’s attainments in the
short run. Using NLSY79 children’s PIAT Math test scores as a measure of attainment, we find that single
mother’s work and welfare use in the first five years of her child’s life both have positive effect on her
child’s outcome, but this effect declines by the initial ability. The higher the potential ability of child, the
lower the positive impact work and welfare have. In fact, in case of welfare the effect is negative if child has
more than about median initial ability. Furthermore, we find that work requirement reduces a single
mother’s use of welfare.However, the net effect of work requirement on a child’s test score depends on
whether mother’s work brings in enough labor income to compensate for the loss of welfare benefits. We
also look at the implications of welfare eligibility time limit, child bonus, and maternal leave, on child’s
outcome. The basic finding is as long as a policy initiative increases mothers’ work, it is beneficial to her
child’s outcome.        

【时  间】11月24日中午   12:00

【地  点】明德主楼729

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